2019 BMe Community Vanguard Fellowship
This opportunity was originally published by BMe Community. Click here to view to original publication.
BMe Vanguard Fellowships are for remarkable Black men and women whose dedication to helping others has earned them the trust of their peers, coworkers and community. Whether you lead a movement, a business, a financial institution, a government, a nonprofit or a community, this advanced Executive Fellowship will make you immediately more influential, capable and connected to a powerful community of leaders like you.
Immediate Results
The BMe Vanguard Fellowship is based on BMe Community’s field-leading fellowships for Black social entrepreneurs, and a 2018 pilot with The OpEd Project that resulted in Fellows going from relative obscurity to immediately:
- Creating and funding a political action committee and running for office
- Creating and funding a national social justice campaign
- Becoming a regular on-air national TV news Contributor
- Publishing 38 articles in The Washington Post, Forbes, The Hill, Baltimore Sun, CNN, MSNBC, etc.
- Writing a New York Times bestseller, and now appearing on MSNBC, Trevor Noah and more
- Genuinely bonding and supporting each other in building the assets of communities
Core Requirements
The BMe Vanguard Fellows are extremely busy people who commit to FULL participation in all four seminars and related assignments. Fellows only cover their travel and lodging (there is a small pool of funds available to Fellows who need assistance).
Core Curriculum
Our 6-month intensive is taught by the top leaders in their fields from BMe, The Aspen Global Leadership Network, The OpEd Project, Color of Change, PolicyLink, The Raben Group and is based on the research and insights of Nobel Laureates and global authorities in their fields.
- New Narrative Power (May): Understand how narrative dictates our decisions, identity, and culture and explore how asset-framed narratives improve agenda-setting, engagement, cultural competency, fundraising and every argument for equity.
- Your Voice (Jun): Learn how to claim your expertise, be persuasive in all communication, write and pitch winning op-eds – from active, award-winning journalists and editors.
- Write To Change The World (Jul/Aug): There are no seminars in July and August. During this time, professional journalists and editors help Fellows to craft and pitch 2 articles each that then appear in respected media consumed by institutional leaders.
- Changing The Stakes (Sep): Learn the policy history, current threats and opportunities related to your Fellowship’s interests. Read and discuss vital issues from a global context. Collaborate in small groups on specific ideas, initiatives or challenges you have. Plan coordinated media.
- New Narrative Community (Oct): Bring it all together to finalize your shared change-agenda. Then immediately gain new allies and resources at our national conference, where 100 equally brilliant Fellows from across multiple sectors will welcome you into this sincere Black Leadership Family.
There are some required readings and ALL Fellows will have access to a private ‘pocket network’ of 300+ vetted Fellows and Champions, forever.
Questions? Check out the Frequently Asked Questions about the BMe Vanguard Fellowship.
2019 BME Vanguard Fellowships
BMe Vanguard Fellowship – New Futures
For leaders working to change the future of Black America at the national and international level. As the civil rights generation sunsets and the sun rises on a truly digital world driven by artificial intelligence, global economies, new narratives and the most diverse population in American history, what will be the driving narrative, identity and agenda of the Black community for the next 50 years? Imagine a Vanguard of Leaders who construct a new, coherent, asset-oriented narrative of the Black community that posits Black people as owners in The New World dawning. We are accepting 15-20 Fellows.
Meets in Miami: May 24-26 (Fri-Sun), Jun 14-15 (Fri-Sat), Sep 26-28 (Thu-Sat), and in Louisville Oct 24-26 (Thu-Sat).
BMe Vanguard Fellowship – Social Determinants of Health
For leaders working to build healthy communities. Social justice, social welfare, and social causes regularly stigmatize their beneficiaries by ignoring their aspirations and contributions to society and defining them solely by their challenges such as at-risk, low-income, ex-felon and so on. This habit of denigration has profoundly negative cultural and policy consequences. Imagine a new leadership Vanguard building healthy and prospering communities based upon strengths. We are accepting 15-20 Fellows.
Meets in Washington, DC: May 17-19 (Fri-Sun), Jun 8-9 (Sat-Sun), Sep 19-21 (Thu-Sat), and in Louisville Oct 24-26 (Thu-Sat).
Skillman BMe Vanguard Fellowship – Detroit
Skillman BMe Vanguard Fellowship – Detroit Youth – For leaders invested in Detroit’s future and its young people. Our youth, teens and young adults are regularly presented as the face of the city’s challenges even though their creativity, entrepreneurship, leadership and other contributions more-often fuel hope, opportunity and success for their peers and communities. Why aren’t we telling those stories and making more plans and programs that build upon those strengths? Imagine a Vanguard of leaders who tell the story of Detroit with our brilliant young leaders as the heroes, and then invests in them for their continued benefit to our city. We are accepting 15-20 Fellows.
Meets in Detroit: May 10-12 (Fri-Sun), Jun 6-7 (Thu-Fri), Sep 12-14 (Thu-Sat), and in Louisville Oct 24-26 (Thu-Sat).
BMe Vanguard Fellowship – Pittsburgh Black Veterans
For leaders working on behalf of Black veterans. The two most common images of US Veterans are that of hero or that of derelict with Black veterans being far underrepresented in the first and over-represented in the latter. This has profound cultural, policy and economic consequences. Imagine a Vanguard of Leaders presenting more accurate portrayals of Black veterans that reveals their continued service to their country at home. We are accepting 9 Fellows.
Meets in Washington DC May 17-19 (Fri-Sun), Pittsburgh Jun 1-2 (Sat-Sun), Pittsburgh Sep 5-7 (Thu-Sat), and in Louisville Oct 24-26 (Thu-Sat).
All applications are due March 24
Click here to apply