Announcing the 2025 Skillman Visionary Awards
College and Career Pathways, K-12 Education

Webinars! Deep Dives into the Foundation’s New Impact Areas

For the past 11 years, the Skillman Foundation focused the majority of its efforts and resources with the aim of improving conditions for children in six Detroit neighborhoods. This year, we’ve spent time reflecting deeply on our lessons learned and strengths developed over that time, as well as contemplating the most pressing needs and ripe opportunities we could influence to benefit youth in Detroit today. We’re grateful for all the partners, parents, and young people that shared their insights with us during this process. Getting our strategy right so we can make the greatest impact possible for Detroit children is critical. We’re confident that the path we’ve laid out will best allow us to reach the future we want to see for our city and its youth. And we know we won’t be walking this path alone, but in tandem with many other organizations and individuals who put kids first.

To that end, we held a series of webinars to share our new strategy, explaining what we’ve chosen to focus our efforts on and why, and answering participant questions. We hope these conversations spur partnerships, from future grant partnerships to cross-sector alliances.

Each webinar provided a deep dive into one of three impact areas the Foundation is focusing on: Education, Economy & Equity.

Click on the images below to access webinar recordings.

edu web


View the Education webinar


Equity web


View the Equity webinar


eco web


View the Economy webinar

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