College and Career Pathways
Data Show Decrease in Violence in Detroit’s 48205 Zip Code
Detroit’s 48205 zip code has for many years been one of highest crime rate zip codes in the nation. New data, though, show promise.
According to Detroit police statistics, homicides in the zip code fell from 42 in 2011 to 21 in 2018. During that same time, robberies dropped from 310 to 171 and the number of aggravated assaults fell from 679 to 628. While further improvements are necessary, this is strong evidence of progress.
Reducing the impact of exposure to and engagement in youth violence that can be future-limiting is crucial; increasing neighborhood safety and keeping young people out of the justice system is essential to increasing their chances to graduate from high school and enter college and the workforce.
This success is likely partially driven by two rival gangs in the area that recently called a truce. Three of The Skillman Foundation’s grant partners assist the young men who have committed to cease committing violent acts to explore training and employment opportunities to help to put their lives on a new trajectory and change the narrative from violence to safety in this zip code. These organizations are Detroit: Life is Valuable Everyday, Detroit Crime Commission, and Goodwill Industries – Flip the Script Program.
The Foundation’s work builds on prior efforts in the Osborn community – which made up approximately half of the 48205 zip code – under the Good Neighborhoods Initiative (GNI). Data from GNI indicate that in the Osborn community from 2007 to 2016, there was a 52% reduction in the category of the most violent crimes.
Great news. I fully support you. The better the education that a person has received, the less chance that he will have racial prejudice. This seems quite logical: an educated person understands the political, social and economic reasons that served as the source of discrimination, is aware of the danger and possible consequences of racism. Moreover, a person with higher education is tolerant and has a broad outlook on things, he is objective. He understands that the intelligence or character of a person does not depend on the color of his skin. Good luck!