K-12 Education
Every School Day Counts Detroit Expands to Address Chronic Absence across Detroit
Every School Day Counts Detroit (ESDC-D) is a community-driven network of neighborhood-based organizations working to support a school-going culture through efforts focused on data and research, wrap-around supports, messaging, professional development, and technical assistance on best practices that reduce chronic absenteeism across Detroit.
In 2019, the group worked hard to expand its reach. ESDC-D brought new members into the coalition, including City Year, Wayne State Center for Urban Studies, the DPSCD Americorps program, Detroit Crime Commission, The Yunion, and Developing KIDS. Additionally, ESDC-D took steps to increase messaging to students and families about chronic absence through a citywide messaging campaign. The #2Days2Much campaign reached 3.8 million people during its three-month launch.
Finally, 10 additional schools received technical assistance and professional development through Attendance Works, a key partner of ESDC-D in 2018-19. Currently, there are 47 schools (27 Detroit Public Schools Community District schools and 20 charter schools) receiving support from Attendance Works fellows, along with ESDC-D, to create systems and supports within those schools to use data-driven strategies to support students and families to get to school every day.