K-12 Education
Five Tips to Strengthen Your Literacy Funding Proposal
The Skillman Foundation is seeking funding proposals to support literacy programs to be delivered this summer to Detroit youth aged 9 years old and younger. Below are five tips to ensure your application is strong!
- Watch our informational webinar from Friday, February 22, 2019. It is a great way to learn more and have your questions answered by The Skillman Foundation and 313Reads! team members who will be reviewing the proposals.
- Start or strengthen your collaboration conversations now! We will be looking for partnerships between nonprofits and community centers or institutions (including City of Detroit Summer Fun Centers, schools, community centers, libraries, or places of worship) that incorporate literacy programming as part of a holistic approach to serve children and stave off summer learning loss while schools is out.
- Be clear and concise. A well-organized, succinct application is best.
- Tell us about the measurable impact your program makes.. Equally important to articulating the kids of supports children will receive (e.g. two hours of tutoring) is how this translates to their academic growth and success (e.g. % growth in reading proficiency).
- Get set up in our Fluxx grant application system now – don’t wait! If you have any questions about the grants submission process, please contact our grants management team at grants@skillman.org or (313) 393-1185.
Applications close on Friday, March 1, 2019.
Read the full Request for Proposals and find the application link here.