Our response to recent federal policy orders.

HR and Legal Counsel for Grant Partners during COVID-19

With the uncertainty surrounding the COVID-19 outbreak, nonprofits across the country have questions regarding their employees and operations. With Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s Stay Home, Stay Safe, Safe Lives executive order, many employers have shut down in-person operations, further complicating matters surrounding human resources (HR).

The Skillman Foundation wants to offer grant partners the opportunity to hear from HR and legal experts on a variety of topics to further support them during this time.

The Foundation contracted Clark Hill and HR Advisory Advantage to provide guidance to our grant partners while they navigate the new and developing workplace issues surrounding COVID-19.

You can watch the recorded webinar here and review the presentation deck here.

Topics covered include communicating with employees, employment law in the current climate, employee well-being, and more.

Below are resources referenced in the presentation:

As always, please reach out to your program officer if you have any questions or need any additional support during this time; we are committed to the organizations who are fierce champions of Detroit children and families.

Kumar Raj

Former program officer for The Skillman Foundation

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