Introducing The Skillman Visionary Awards
K-12 Education

DPSCD Launches National modEL Detroit Education Curriculum Resource Project

The Detroit Public School Community District recently announced that modEL Detroit, a new collection of education curriculum resources developed in partnership with local and national experts, will now be available to teachers nationwide. The materials were originally designed to accelerate training for DPSCD teachers, making it easier for them to implement the new Expeditionary Learning curriculum that the district adopted last year. Now, educators across the nation will be able to support materials to help them implement this curriculum with enthusiasm, confidenceand fidelity.

The Skillman Foundation funded the District’s partnership with StandardsWork and EL Education to create the modEL Detroit resources because supporting teachers is integral to supporting children. Though we are all responsible for loving, nurturing, and preparing children for success, it is our teachers who devote their lives to making a direct difference in the lives of children day after day. It’s imperative that they receive the resources, training, and support they need to be effective classroom leaders. 

Adopting this new curriculum was not easy for teachers. We are grateful for their continued commitment and relentless pursuit to improve supports for student learning. The ModEL Detroit materials enable educators to work collaborativelyfocus more of their attention on students, and model how to get better in their craft. It’s an important lesson for kids to see adults commit to continuous learning and improvement.  

We’re also grateful of the District’s leadership for setting high standards for its curriculum selection and implementation. High-quality curriculum is one of the most evidence-based interventions to improve student outcomes and supporting teachers to enact it makes all the difference. The Foundation was especially excited to fund this work because of the District’s willingness to make the materials open-source. Now, teachers across the nation can benefit from the modEL Detroit materials, strengthening their instruction and improving outcomes for kids. 

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