Statement about the dismantling of the Department of Education
When our government takes a hard pivot in a direction that the vast majority of us disagree with, red flags fly and alarm bells ring. This is where we’re at as our new presidential administration moves to dismantle the United States Department of Education.
The first thing to know is that a majority of Democratic and Republican voters alike oppose the idea of dismantling the Department of Education. A recent poll found that nearly two-thirds of Americans are opposed to eliminating the department.
The next thing to know is what the Department of Education actually does.
It gives every child across our country a fair shot. From small towns to big cities, it ensures the right to education for all. This especially comes into play for kids whose families have a low income and for youth with special needs who require additional support. Much of this comes in the form of federal funding called “Title I” funds that schools can use to provide things like tutoring and afterschool and summer programs for students who need the extra help but whose parents could not otherwise afford it. Here’s what that means for students in our state.
From a statement from the Michigan Partnership for Equity and Opportunity:
In Michigan, federal funding comprised 13.8% of K-12 education funding in fiscal year 2023. Consider that in the 2024-25 school year:
- Utica Community Schools in western Macomb County received over $4 million in federal Title I dollars.
- Kentwood Public Schools on the west side of the state near Grand Rapids received nearly $2.5 million in Title I funding.
- Morley Stanwood Community Schools, located between Muskegon and Cadillac, received roughly $686,000 in federal Title I dollars.
- Battle Creek Public Schools, where over 70% of students are from low-income backgrounds in this district on the west side of the state, received nearly $3.4 million in federal Title I dollars.
In Detroit, home of the largest public school district in our state, 82% of students are from low-income households and 34% of the Detroit Public School Community District’s revenue comes from federal Title 1 funds.
How do we know how students in different communities across the country are faring? The Department of Education’s research function. It finds where improvements are needed and where pockets of success can be learned from and expanded on.
The Department of Education also supports teacher training, helping teachers be the best they can be.
One thing the Department of Education does not do: discriminate. It protects all kids from unfair, unjust treatment. Its critical data collection lets us know if and where students are being failed and works to hold the education system to account.
So why dismantle the Department of Education?
We are being sold a line that this is about efficiency, cutting out the middlemen to put dollars into the hands of state leaders. If that is true, then show us the plan.
We are being sold a line that the dismantling of the United States Department of Education is in the interest of the people—while we the people are saying, “Do not take this away from us.”
Where are the political leaders who will stand with us?
Who will make sure that our children are not the collateral damage of impulsive, radical politics?
Who will make sure that children are not the casualties when the wrecking ball comes for our education system?
At The Skillman Foundation, we stand for kids. We are looking at elected leaders to do the same.
Thank you! If we don’t ensure investment in our children we will spend decades if not the remainder of this century trying to explain the unexplainable.
Tell it like it is!