K-12 Education
Request for Proposals: Detroit Summer Literacy Programs
A Request for Proposals issued today by The Skillman Foundation will make $360,000 available for programs that improve reading proficiency for Detroit students in kindergarten through fourth grade. The funding will support literacy programs delivered over the summer of 2019 by nonprofit organizations working in partnership with City of Detroit Summer Fund Centers or a school, community center, library, or place of worship.
Four awardees will receive up to $90,000. Three awards will be given to literacy programs delivered by nonprofits working in partnership with the City of Detroit’s Summer Fun Centers. One award will be made to support a nonprofit working in partnership with a school, community center, library or place of worship to provide literacy interventions to child populations that are at increased risk of falling behind in reading proficiency including youth experiencing housing instability and English language learners.
Applications will close on March 1.
“Without programs and activities to keep them engaged in learning, students lose academic ground over the summer months,” said Terry Whitfield, program officer for The Skillman Foundation. “Detroit kids are already at a disadvantage, with only around one out of six kids reading at grade-level by third grade – an important indicator for students’ long-term educational achievement. Out-of-school literacy programs have proven effective in helping children become confident readers, putting them on track to succeed in school and beyond.”
More information about the Request for Proposals and application process can be downloaded here.
Organizations interested in applying can also learn more from a recent informational webinar hosted by Skillman Foundation staff.
Would like to enroll my 9yr old son