Introducing The Skillman Visionary Awards
K-12 Education

At the heart of education is great educators

Brave and Talented Detroit Educators,   

We continue to celebrate, champion, and honor your hearts, your work, and your passion for teaching, leading, and loving our students and school communities. This year, we hope you have felt and received revolutionary collective love. YOU are children’s and school communities’ essential warriors and frontline champions! 

Throughout the week, we will be sharing tools and strategies to add to your self-care toolbox.    

Why? The health pandemic and toxic vibrations of the non-stop racialized injustices continue to consume our lives. As professionals, you have been front and center for our students despite setbacks, complications, and heartbreaks. Life has demanded that you navigate many unknowns and uncertainties. You are operating at maximum capacity. Yet throughout it all, you have continued to respond to the calls for action each day to ensure our students’ hearts are nurtured and their brains are stimulated.   

We hope the tools and strategies we share will inspire you take these five calls to action for YOU: 

  1. Pause for your wellness. 
  2. Retreat to radical self-care
  3. Honor your resilience.
  4. Prioritize joy.
  5. Offer and hold space to restore.

Teach 313 would like to offer you a safe and mindful space to uncover the individual and collective understanding of what Detroit educators need in order to begin their healing and restoration journey.   Please join us for our first Teach 313 Healing Circle on Thursday, May 27th from 4:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.   

Register Here: Teach 313 Healing Circle.

We respect and admire your hearts, your spirit, and your resilience. Please know that we will continue to stand with you and for you as you stand steadfastly for our children.  

With Radical Love, 

Teach 313  

Teach 313 is an initiative launched by The Skillman Foundation and Detroit Children’s Fund to support recruitment, professional development, and quality of life for Detroit teachers. For more info, visit 

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