Announcing the 2025 Skillman Visionary Awards
K-12 Education

Wayne Kids Win! announces petition drive for after school proposal

Yesterday, on October 16th, Wayne Kids Win! announced a petition drive to collect signatures from registered voters in Wayne County, aiming to collect enough signatures to place a millage proposal on the March 10, 2020 ballot in support of afterschool programming for Wayne County children.

Who is leading this effort?
The Wayne Kids Win! proposal is being advanced by a group of community leaders committed to elevating the impact of afterschool programs and expanding support for them. Supporters include Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan, Wayne County Executive Warren Evans, Wayne County Sheriff Benny Napoleon, DTE Energy President and CEO Jerry Norcia, and more.

How is The Skillman Foundation involved? 
The Foundation helped fund exploratory research of potential public funding avenues that could provide afterschool programs with more stable funding so that more children could have access to quality out-of-school development opportunities. We then spoke with many community leaders across the county, informing them of the important benefits of afterschool programming, the gaps in access, and this research analysis regarding a variety of potential funding mechanisms.

Where does the Foundation stand on the millage?
The Skillman Foundation is a long-time and steadfast supporter of afterschool programs. As a private foundation, we are legally able to educate the public on an issue but are not able to take a stand or campaign on behalf of a millage. As such, you’ll hear us talk about the importance of afterschool, but as an institution, we will not declare a stance or urge a vote.

What are the details of the millage proposal?
It proposes a rate of 1 mill over 5 years, which will cost the average Wayne County homeowner an estimated $82 per year, or less than $7 per month. The millage is estimated to generate $42.5 million annually to support afterschool programs that promote safety, improve math and reading, build work readiness skills and provide recreation for Wayne County children and youth.

For more info, including how funds will be managed and allocated, go to

The Skillman Foundation

The Skillman Foundation is a grantmaking organization established in 1960 by Rose Skillman. We have granted out more than $730 million and have served as a vocal advocate to strengthen K-12 education, afterschool programming, child-centered neighborhoods, youth and community leadership, and racial equity and justice.

We are in the process of developing a new strategic framework, co-designed with Detroit youth and their champions.

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