Introducing The Skillman Visionary Awards

Be-Moor Radio Institute


This grant will support a learning trip for 12 Detroit high school and college-age students to explore the work of the New York Times Magazine 1619 Project. Students will devote time reading, studying, researching, and developing their thoughts and ideas for producing three podcasts. The students will determine the scope and the depth of the storylines they will cover on the podcasts.

The funds will be used to finance a trip to Atlanta, GA, Birmingham, AL, and Montgomery, AL, to allow the students to experience firsthand many of the key locations associated with the African American experience and meet many of the individuals who are descendants of the heroes of the movement or potentially meet those whose lives influenced elements of the movement past and present. Additionally, the funding will allow us to purchase equipment, cameras, lights, and audio to support capturing and producing this unique series of podcasts.