Introducing The Skillman Visionary Awards

Detroit Justice Center


There is now increased public attention around community safety and justice. Young people in Detroit are particularly impacted by mass incarceration–and many are passionate about working to end this system. However, there are currently limited opportunities for youth to engage in this movement in a formal way. In order to sustain momentum for positive social change, we must center the needs and dreams of young people while promoting a vision for just and equitable cities.

DJC requests a $10,000 grant to pilot a new youth leadership program, Imagineers4Justice. This program would empower a diverse group of young people from around the city who are interested in transforming the justice system and reimagining community safety. Youth would receive a series of training sessions from DJC’s staff and other leaders in the field. They would then have opportunities to apply and share their knowledge and play a role in one of the most important movements of our time.