Introducing The Skillman Visionary Awards

60 Examples of Detroit Genius: 41-50

Detroit youth possess genius. Their talent comes in all forms: academics, arts, sports, service to the community, and more.

To celebrate Detroit genius, we asked the community-at-large to let us know of young people who astonish and inspire.

Here, we highlight honorees 41 through 50.

Laila Nasher

Age: 17
Genius: Community Journalist

Laila has been published in the Detroit Free Press and online blog sites and is the first student at her school to be accepted to Harvard University.

Mariah Crawford

Age: 10
Genius: Chess Champion

Since second grade, Mariah has won many trophies and accolades, including a sixth-place finish in the 2020 Queen City Chess Tournament in Ohio.

Matthew Webb

Age: 20
Genius: Public Safety Leader

A three-year veteran of the Detroit Police Department, Matthew also mentors young men through the AmeriCorps Urban Safety Summer Youth Program.

Ms. DeWolf’s 4th Grade Class at Nichols Elementary-Middle School

Ages: 9-10
Genius: Rockstar Readers

Ms. DeWolf’s class led the charge for Nichols Elementary/Middle to win DPSCD’s Rise Up Read More challenge by reading the most books.

Olivia Rasheed Duncan

Age: 16
Genius: Professional Artist

At only 16 years old, Olivia has sold over 30 original pieces of art.

Ridgeley Hudson

Age: 17
Genius: Super Scholar

Ridgeley has been accepted to over 45 colleges and has been offered more than $2 million in scholarships.

Sabella Chaney

Age: 7
Genius: Multidisciplinary Artist

Sabella’s many artistic endeavors include teaching yoga, turning books into performance pieces, building sculptures from found materials, and making sight words videos.

Sizwe Honablue

Photo: Britt Hueter

Age: 12
Genius: Published Author

Sizwe wrote a sci-fi thriller that creates suspense and wonder in the reader.

Talmage Turner

Ages: 16
Genius: Classical Musician

A talented pianist and vocalist, Talmage has completed 32 consecutive sessions with the Wayne State School of Music, placed third in the NAACP’s ACT-SO competition, and was honored to be the guest performer for Tabernacle Missionary Baptist Church’s first annual recital, among other accolades.

Pierre Knight

Ages: 21
Genius: Community Leader

In memory of a community member who was killed at age 16, Pierre led a neighborhood beautification project and deters gang violence through his work with DLIVE.

Video by Jeff Tabb; Music by Kaleb the Intern

Check out the full list of Detroit Genius honorees and share this blog using #DetroitGenius.

The Skillman Foundation

The Skillman Foundation is a grantmaking organization established in 1960 by Rose Skillman. We have granted out more than $730 million and have served as a vocal advocate to strengthen K-12 education, afterschool programming, child-centered neighborhoods, youth and community leadership, and racial equity and justice.

We are in the process of developing a new strategic framework, co-designed with Detroit youth and their champions.

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