Announcing the 2025 Skillman Visionary Awards

We were built for this.

By now we’ve all read so many articles and heard so many hot takes, analyses, and analogies of the current moment. With such an onslaught of new policies and executive orders, it is like standing on a beach amid a tsunami.  

When do we react? When do we act? What is a bluster-filled threat? What is an unforeseen opportunity? What is actually legal?  What is untrue? What is unfair? What is comical? What is cruel? And what amid it all is our role at The Skillman Foundation? 

At best, we are in the midst of a needed eruption. While we are watching systems implode, we are locking eyes with people and organizations we had not aligned with before. We are holding our values as a beacon as we open ourselves to new ways to work. We are remaining open to the possibility of new ideas, for old ideas that couldn’t move forward until now, for new partners, and for leaps forward once the eruptions stop. 

At worst, we are in the midst of a coup, launched from inside of the highest office in the land. Under the guise of reform, we are witnessing the removal of democracy’s most loyal watchdogs who have for years, without partisanship, fought for justice and fairness. As the federal government is gutted and replaced with ideological loyalists, as institutions are threatened to bow and obey, as language is prohibited, as people are asked to report each other, as communities are fearing ICE entering their schools, as all practices of supporting the most marginalized are labeled illegal and fined and banned, as public systems and institutions are privatized—we are witnessing a command to bow to one person. We, as a free republic, are being Trumped. 

I have taken to describing my reaction to the current moment as a constant duality of Hope and Fear.  

On one hand, I believe this is what we’ve been built for—each of us. I believe that our strategy, People Powered Education, is exactly what we need at this moment. Not only does it blend grassroots and grasstops, it links community realities to policymaking. It brings together various people across the education system routinely to make change. It centers those who need the most to ensure changes benefit all. It is unabashed about using needed racialized analysis and actions to accelerate mission and outcomes. And it also is meant to succeed in a purple state, regardless of which political party is on top. 

People Powered Education is built for all, with all. Just like our public education system should be. 

Leveraging our values, our strategy, and our mission, our broad alliances across the state, and our bipartisan work over the years to arrive at solid education policy solutions is how we find our way forward right now. HOPE. 

On the other hand, FEAR. Our communities are reeling. Our partners are reporting that families are afraid to send their children to school, regardless of papers. We’ve noticed an eerie silence from many of our peers and policymakers in the face of some of the most harmful rhetoric and policies. We have been meeting behind closed doors with partners far and wide who recognize that there is a target on philanthropy, on free speech, on public schools, on immigrants, on people of color, and on work aimed at helping those most marginalized. We see a legal battle ahead to try to stop the rabid attempts to silence, strip status from, fine into submission, and potentially imprison people for helping their fellow man and speaking honestly about issues, needs, and solutions. 

And so, we cannot be hopeful without a reasonable amount of fear, and we cannot simply be afraid devoid of hope. Bravery is what it feels like to act despite the fear of ramification and to do so because our hope for a brighter future is what guides us.  
In terms of the policy tsunami, we’ve created a Policy Response Framework. It kicks in once we’ve carefully processed information and understood its link to our values, mission, and strategy. We sort our response into four categories: Protect, Communicate, Snap Back, and Build Anew.  

At The Skillman Foundation, we are embedded in community, actively convening with peers and partners near and far while cataloging ideas to find ways to ride the tsunami wave while actively protecting those around us. 

And when all other words fail, I leave you with a poem:  

I Believe in You and I Believe in Me and I Believe We Were Built for This  
~ a poem, a plan, and an offering from me to you ~ 

I believe in karma.  
I believe political and cultural pendulums will always swing.  
Wait for it. Work for it.  
I believe people want to live peaceful lives surrounded by love and opportunity.  
I believe anger eats the angry.  
I believe angry policy burns the policymakers.  
I believe chaos begets chaos – unraveling itself instead of building.  

I believe this is a test for us to show who we are in every small decision we make that leads to massive change.  
I believe no one wants to be controlled.  
I believe there are brilliant people, values-driven people, embedded across the political spectrum who want the best for each other, regardless of difference.  

I believe this will change us, is changing us. Making us stronger in our ideals and values.  
I believe that even while having bouts of true fear, we grow braver each day.  

I believe we are built to survive because our ancestors’ DNA sparks inside us.  
I believe our great-great grandchildren are watching us.  

I believe the stories they will tell of us will not be about one hero but about the mighty ocean of us that created a glorious tide.  

I believe the 250th anniversary of our country in 2027 is when we will found this country anew – this time with so many voices and with the concept of collective freedom joyfully embedded.  

I believe in you. I believe in me. And I believe that together, we were built for this. 

Angelique Power

Angelique Power is the president and CEO of The Skillman Foundation.

Comments (11)

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  • Lori Fuller

    Can you share more about the Policy Response Framework?

  • Suzanne Baker

    Wow. Thank you for this. Thank you so much. I needed to hear this, to read this, to feel this passion pulsing from the page. It is so important that we all know we are not alone.

  • Angelique, your writing and message inspire me. Thank you!

    • Angelique Power

      Thank you for reading and being who you are in this world. Loved knowing all your mother has done for youth in our state too! We will carry her legacy in this moment.

  • Kenyetta M Campbell

    This message is profound! Thank for your leadership and boldness to address this matter on behalf of the children and families we serve in Detroit. I believe that we will collectively weather the STORM! Have a blessed day!

    • Angelique Power

      Thank you for YOUR leadership and what you do each day. So grateful we are in this together.

  • Beautifully stated, Angelique. Thank you for your leadership in this space! I would also be interested in seeing your framework.

  • Leslie Andrews

    This is a poweful commentary on where we are on this journey to a more perfect union. Thank you for speaking this truth to power (no pun intended!)

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